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Fw: Human Rights Violation Complaint

originally posted at Emails & more



#####, 2023 4:32:21 AM
Good Morning,
I had sent the below email before, and kindly request a confirmation upon receipt of this email. I also noticed this email address, and thought of sharing the same to this email address. Today happens to be my birthday, and I hope that the next birthday would be in a safe and free country, not only on paper .

Sent: Friday, ######, 2023 at 8:42 AM

Subject: Human Rights Violation Complaint
This was the completed special commission human rights violation form that was available through the UN Human Rights website. As per several articles out there on the speed of action in such human rights violation complaint, I am not sure whether this would be of any utility or use for me. However, I believe that time has come to file an official complaint in the UN.
What is the complaint about?
There were a multitude of experiences, which finally led me to reach this option. When organizations are becoming bigger and bigger, highly interconnected with other bigger organizations (political too), and professional politicians becoming ever more powerful, along with the ability to perform surveillance right from an individual's homes, it has become easy for any connected organization with resources and power to target a person and his family at an individual level. For that matter, I have read stories of Nobel laureates' family targeted by those with power and resources for the Nobel Laureate's opinions even fifty or sixty years ago. If that were the case, with the kind of surveillance prevalent now, it is not surprising for powerful entities to target at an individual level much easily nowadays. When our internet traffic right from our homes can be sold, our home choices can be sold by listening to our conversations, then as I had stated before, the world will be run by half-baked cooks, largely crooks, who can target talented individuals by applying fear tactics, bullying and other shady methods. This can also be done in subtle ways that it is becoming more and more difficult to prove. Even if we were to have evidences, it is becoming too difficult to get right legal support and/or heard.
Moreover, just like tumor cells develop blood vessels faster to adapt compared to good cells, and spread the tumor through these leaky vessels, negative emotions, corruption and frauds spread faster in a globalized interconnected giant networked world. I had shared these concerns years ago, and we are seeing those coming to light more and more so nowadays.
This is also becoming more universal across board due to the extent of globalization, and as I happened to be connected to these two countries with one country supposed to promote equality at least on paper and is a "developed" power that is looked up to and copied on by many other nations, I finally decided to reach out through this platform. I do understand that with the level of power and reach these countries have, this entire submission might not result in any proper consideration and could end up to be a futile attempt, and might even aggravate the backlash with all kinds of leaks that tends to happen. For that matter, if not for improper handling of the world order by world organizations in the first place which was created after WWII, we would not be seeing what we are seeing now. We had the most deaths from Covid that easily surpassed Spanish Flu with US and India leading from the front in terms of COVID fatalities. At the same time, we are claiming to be in a technological space never seen before in the history of humankind.
If you would like to get specifics from me on my experiences, please feel free to contact me. I have included a couple of experiences as image attachments along with this email. You could also subpoena secret agencies as the level of investment that goes into surveillance should allow them to provide all relevant facts about me, if they were doing the right job that they were originally created for. I would also appreciate it, if I can get those info to see what is being stated about me and whether the facts have been twisted.
Here are a couple of references on how rule of law has dwindled around the world and corruption is becoming prominent.
What is the basis for reaching out to the UN?
Perpetrators - state agents section
Yes. It is an highly interconnected space and the underlying issue being shady tactics across board under the name of surveillance and the investment that has gone into this space. Also, with IoT things prevalent and the rule of law favoring bigger players more and more so (for example, an individual's internet usage can be tracked and sold by companies, when internet itself was supposedly created by government to promote freedom and raise the level of humanity.), it has become easy to target anyone easily. If a person is a freethinker who utilizes his acquired knowledge and wisdom to question the happenings, that person can become an easy target. If a person wants to run a company by being independent and not relying on bigger players, then he becomes a target. If a person asks for equal pay and equal opportunity matching his credentials, he becomes a target.
My daughter is learning about history of slavery in America in her history class. Is it different now? We are driving towards modern day slavery where many of us don't even know that we are in a new type of slave world. As I stated in my article, "Blue Ocean, Red Ocean, or Desert with one tall building", technology is a double-edged sword, and its misuse would prevent Einsteins and Ramanujans coming out of their shadows. Instead, their work would be stolen right from their homes by half-baked cooks/largely crooks, and by the time, they come to know about it, those with resources and power would have taken those ideas and implemented it making it difficult for those who actually came with those work to prove it across various angles namely, financially, temporally and more. 
What am I seeking as compensation?
I am seeking $10 trillion in US dollars or other suitable currency of highest value at the time of final decision (inflation-adjusted compensation). If the due process is going to take for ever, I would appreciate a compensation structure that would offer compensation on a more periordic basis until the final decision is taken to decide on the total size of the compensation.
What would I offer in return to the UN? How else would UN gain in the process?
If UN offers fair treatment and justice in line to compensate for all the injustices faced, I will give 1% stake in our company.
In addition, with growing concerns about UN's role in the world, this action of UN to uphold justice would assist in capitalizing identifiable victim effect to gain more trust around the world. Though I am a proponent of privacy, I am willing to work with the UN on this front. 
Additionally, growing up I used to listen to a song that included lines on independence and self-reliance. I am quoting those sentences in English - "Why do you to have beg to others, when you can be independent and self-reliant?". What is the point of this quotation? I noticed various pages within UN that included requests for donation. By working out a solution on this front, UN would get enough funds, and need not be seeking funding from countries to survive. Instead with this action, UN can thrive into new initiatives. Moreover, by taking a stake in our organization with such loads of cash would result in a high valuation as soon as our company offers IPO. Then, the value of UN in monetary terms would also balloon up. Unlike companies that have trillions of dollars in valuation without even making money, our company's valuation would be fitting and justifiable.
Please note that though I have presented the gravity of this situation in a lighter vein, I never thought that I have to reach this level to seek justice, and am serious on the structure of compensation presented in this email.
Is the size of compensation a concern?
When governments are printing money to their whims and fancies without much accountability, printing some more should not be an issue. As per some reports out there, at least 20+ % of the printed money just during the Covid saga, which could amount to trillions around the world might have been lost in frauds.
Humble Request:
Please also let me know the safest and freest developed country where we could move our company and family. There are various ranking systems out there in this regard. But, in this interconnected world with five eyes, seven eyes etc out there and even the freest/ safest countries having close ties with questionable security agencies, I would appreciate it, if you could share which advanced/developed countries are really safest/freest without modern day technology based slavery, and kindly request your team to assist me in moving my company and family over there as soon as possible. Please also confirm upon receipt of this email.
To wrap up, as stated before, human brain takes up atmost 2% of body weight, but uses up around 20% of oxygen, and 25% of glucose. With the kind of privacy issues seen and to be seen, we already have or will soon enter a new level of thought crimes never seen in the history of humankind. Personally, I believe that it is already happening.
In addition, I have included my credit record and driver record for years. I am sharing this information as research and media articles support strong association between personal, psychosocial behavior to quality of life, and risk management.
Thanks for your time.

Submission of information to the Special Procedures
Finalise submission
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Any additional comments and information: 
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Review submission
Reference: qw7vhd4l Date: Sunday, September 24, 2023 Type: Human rights violation Original: English Consent: I am/we are the alleged victim(s), and I/we give my/our consent 
Related mandates
independence of judges and lawyers
truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence

Name: #############################

Submitted by
Name: ###################################

Does the alleged victim(s) or group/community agree to have their name(s) disclosed in a letter that may be sent to the Government, or others, such as intergovernmental organisations including United Nations entities, businesses, military or security companies?
Does the alleged victim(s) agree to have their name(s) appear in a public report to the Human Rights Council?
Are there witnesses to the incident? Don't know
Is there evidence or substantiating information concerning the incident? Don't know
Has the Government taken action to prevent or investigate the incident, punish the perpetrators, or ensure compensation to the alleged victim(s)? Don't know
Is this case under consideration by any other international or regional body? Don't know

Is the identity/occupation of the alleged perpetrator(s) known? Don't know
Were the alleged perpetrators State agents or believed to be State agents? Don't know
If an identification as State agents is not possible, why is it not possible and do you believe that Government authorities or persons linked to them are responsible for the incident?

Yes. It is an highly interconnected space and the underlying issue being shady tactics across board under the name of surveillance and the investment that has gone into this space. Also, with IoT things prevalent and the rule of law favoring bigger players more and more so (for example, an individual's internet usage can be tracked and sold by companies, when internet itself was supposedly created by government to promote freedom and raise the level of humanity.), it has become easy to target anyone easily.
If a person is a freethinker who utilizes his acquired knowledge and wisdom to question the happenings, that person can become an easy target.
If a person wants to run a company by being independent and not relying on bigger players, then he becomes a target. If a person asks for equal pay and equal opportunity matching his credentials, he becomes a target.
Submit to Special Procedures
Help and information
Communications with governments
Please note that the identity of alleged victims will be included in communications with Governments, unless the alleged victim(s) and/or her/his/their representative(s) have demonstrated the existence of protection concerns.
Special procedures communications reports to the human rights council
The names of alleged victims usually appear in the Communications Reports of the Special Procedures. Please note however that by default the names of alleged victims under 18 years of age, as well as the names of alleged victims of sexual violence are NOT published.
Similarly, when the alleged victim(s) or her/his/their representative(s) have demonstrated the existence of protection concerns, the name(s) of the victim(s) will NOT be published.

Srikanth Kidambi PhD, MBA, MS (BME, EE, Chem), DIpl. CA and more